Tour of San Quentin State Prison

Morning tour of San Quentin State Prison. This tour, described below, is limited to people over the age of 18 and there are a few clearance and dress code requirements. Tour Description The facility tour generally consists of a walk-through the Garden Chapel Area where discussion of the prison’s most dangerous housing unit and a synopsis of San Quentin’s most violent day in its history is given, followed by a brief discussion of religious programs, and plans for the construction of a new medical center on the site of the nation’s first prison hospital. The tour proceeds outside pass North Block, while a description of the activities on the lower recreation yard is given accompanied by some history of the yard and some of the special activities/events that have occurred. Additionally, a description of the mainline program (North Block inmates) is given.   The tour proceeds into the South Dining Hall where the famous murals are located. At that point in the tour, a correctional officer conducts a short address about the duties of a correctional officer and a description of the tools a correctional officer uses. The officer also fields questions from the groups. The tour continues onto a maximum security exercise yard and is followed by a discussion of East Block’s (primary death row housing unit) programs and some of its most infamous residents. Death row topics are discussed and questions are fielded by the guide (a former death row supervisor). Some parts of the tour are subject to change.
May 30, 2019 at 9:30am - 1:30pm

San Quentin State Prison

San Quentin, CA 94964
United States