Buy an open seating ticket ($20) to Black Virgins Are Not for Hipsters, and join us for an original work of art by Columbia’s own Echo Brown. Creative and innovative, this show is fun and hilarious. RSVP by buying a ticket here and e-mailing [email protected] to confirm you are attending by Feb 22. Let’s meet a bit early to sit together. Contact Nadine (202-374-6608) if you have any questions or get lost. This showing is limited to 15 people.
About the show:
Black Virgins Are Not for Hipsters offers an incisive and side-splitting ride through the maze of race and romance in "colorblind" America, giving the audience an unfettered look at modern courtship rituals, climaxing with a mesmerizing Beyoncé dance tutorial.
Echo Brown bio:
Hailed as a "transformational storyteller," "powerhouse performer," and a "phenom," Echo Brown is a writer, performer, & playwright from Cleveland, Ohio. A graduate of Dartmouth College with a B.A. in political science, Echo took an unusual path into theater. Echo began her career as an investigator, investigating allegations of misconduct against members of the New York City Police Department. Echo went on to study investigative journalism at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism before moving to California to work for Challenge Day, an award winning non-profit that provides transformational workshops in high schools.